Psychological Evaluations for Immigration

An Immigration Evaluation begins once your attorney recommends that you and/or other family members (e.g., a child, a spouse) undergo a psychological evaluation.

I offer a 15-minute free consultation call that will give you an overview of the evaluation process.

The Immigration Evaluation itself includes:

- A thorough clinical evaluation usually involves two (2) meetings. The clinical interview itself consists of questions about yourself and your immigration case.

- During the evaluation process, I administer validated and reliable testing measures that are used to assess your current or recent symptoms to support clinical diagnosis. I also include behavioral observations, clinical assessment, and interpretation of symptoms using DSM-5 diagnosis.

- I make recommendations for treatment and referrals as needed.

- I will then write a report and send it to your attorney by recollecting the results from the assessment tools, which are scored, interpreted, and then integrated into the narrative.